Info, New business, Reviews, Sleepover

Let’s clear things up!

Let me begin by saying I’m not normally one to complain, but I must admit I’m feeling pretty disheartened today.

You know when they say the actions of others can spoil it for everybody? Well that is exactly what’s happening in this line of business right now. I think I speak for a few of us when I say this.

Now let me just point out that there are loads of companies doing the same thing and there is enough room for all of us. I genuinely do support others who do this too and I love to network and share ideas, outside of my immediate area of course.

However, I have noticed that aswell as some excellent and very inspirational businesses, there are also a few shady and poor quality ones too. And it’s because of those poor quality set ups why people think we are all the same.

We get comments about others being cheaper (cheaper isn’t always better you guys) or “Why hire these out when we could buy them for less” etc. So here I’m going to reiterate a point I’ve made before. It is true, just not true of those shady businesses who are money greedy and want to rip you off. Quality is only important to those who actually care about the services they provide.


Just to clarify, our teepee tents are not the same as those you can buy in toy shops.
Neither are they as small as toyshop teepees. And of course they are not the quality of toy shop teepee tents either.
We have had our teepee tents specifically made for business use, they’re a lot taller and stronger than toy tents.
In a similar way to the home bouncy castles you can buy for children are not the same as those you hire for birthday parties.

Toy teepee tents are great for the home and we dont fault them at all, but they ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR COMMERCIAL USE. Nor would they have space to accommodate a bed and an older child.

No reputable company should hire those out to you, they’d literally be cheaper to buy.

You will come across businesses who are using these tiny little things but not mentioning lack of space inside, leaving you feeling dissapointed and slightly cheated once they arrive. Undoubtedly they will be far cheaper too.

And again, cheaper to buy your own! But please do not think this is what we are all doing.

Some of us pay hundreds per tent once the full set up is added. There is a reason for the price but this is also how you will get a great quality evening for the children.

We don’t all cut corners and our teepees have added safety features too. Theres alot more work goes into our set ups than meets the eye. If you want to know more about this, we are very approachable, please get intouch ♡