Reaction, Sleepover

The Best Reaction…

So last weekend we travelled to an area we hadn’t been to before and met the loveliest little family. But the best bit by far was being sent this video of that night.
6 x lovely little girls and their reaction to Unicorn Dreams. How adorable, this is what we do this for ♡


Unicorn Babies

We’re so excited to announce that we’re now stocking baby sizes in our unicorn headbands range.

It took us a while to find the perfect one, but we have eventually found a style we love ♡

Elasticated and beautiful

There’s been a lot of people requesting baby sized headbands when buying some of our smaller sizes in the tutus.

They go lovely with our baby tutus and unicorn vests too.

These lovely little pieces are elasticated for a better fit and look absolutely gorgeous whether you’re putting them on baby or a teddy!

So now if you want to dress your teddy in a unicorn outfit then you can!

And the best thing is, with us you don’t have to queue for hours to make it affordable.

Teddy modelling our elasticated baby unicorn headband

We stock a whole entire range of unicorn headbands and tutus and offer a saving if bought together as an outfit.

Keep an eye on our store for other new unicorn items being added regularly.

You can find this on our Facebook page at

– TUSC ♡

gift ideas, handcrafted, handmade

Hand Crafted

Unicorn themed earrings and bracelet set

We are now stocking “Unicorn” chunky bracelet and earrings sets.

We have handcrafted these using rainbow pastel beads and goldtone rhinestone spacers.

They are going to be available to purchase over in our Facebook store along with so many other wonderful goodies.

Keep an eye on our store, we will also be creating a silver, bling diamante version too 💗

Details and more snaps to follow….


Here’s that silver version, we made it in the end…

Party services

Living The Unicorn Dream

Ellie-Anne had the full works prepared for her party today.

We just loved setting up Ellie-Anne’s sleepover today…..

Afterall, what could possibly be better than visiting a household where they love unicorns as much as we do?

She had the perfect room for it – all decorated in unicorn style and full of pretty little unicorn accessories! Everything you could think of from a unicorn lamp and unicorn bedding, down to the tiniest details like her unicorn hankies!

The teepees went in there so well, they almost looked as if they were made to match and it all went perfectly together, like any little girl’s dream come true.

We hope you have a fabulous birthday party Ellie-Anne and plenty of unicorn dreams ♡

This has got to be one of our favourite displays so far, we just didn’t want to leave the party.

Competition, giveaway, Unicorn

An epic mistake put right!

Who spotted our big mistake yesterday?

But in true TUSC style we have rectified this by honouring both winners! It’s a good job we had more than one Glenda Unicorn in stock 😄.

Yep, we misread the number on the generator video and announced the wrong winner (28) but the video was actually number 23. Oops!

Of course we couldn’t go back on our word so we’re sending out two Glendas to new homes today.

No 28 Stephanie Armstrong and no 23 Katie Grey will both be receiving their new pets this week ♡

We would love to see some snaps of them when they reach their forever homes ♡

additional services, Party services, Unicorn

So much choice!!!

We like to think that our teepee hire is the best in the North East and we’re constantly looking for ways to stand out from the crowd. One of the things we do to ensure this is give free goodie bags to every child who attends one of our parties.

At present we are doing unicorn themed parties entitled “Unicorn Dreams”.

There’s 3 different styles of goodie bag to go with the Unicorn Dreams theme. The contents of which have been carefully handpicked by ourselves.

We have tried to select the items included to be exciting for the children, whilst remaining age appropriate and of course matching the theme of the party. Which up to now is 100% unicorns.

We have also tried to include items to keep them entertained as we know how important this element can be!!

The first two options are free for all kids at the party.

They all contain items such as a unicorn glider and unicorn bubbles but in addition to this, the bag for smaller kids includes a unicorn bracelet, unicorn keyring, unicorn sticker sheet and a unicorn notepad.

The bag for older kids still contains unicorn bubbles and a unicorn glider but also includes a unicorn puzzle book, unicorn crayons, unicorn maze and unicorn pinball game.

Or, if you want to XL the bags, there is a small fee for this.

You’ll get everything mentioned above from both bags put together to make a very chunky gift bag, on top of this you also get a pack of unicorn tattoos and a miniature box of unicorn playing cards!!

That’s 6 additional items – meaning you get 12 unicorn themed items instead of the standard 6 pieces. ♡

Arranging the bags of your choice is easy, just send us a message.

If no preference if specified we will always choose what we believe to be the best option from the first two.

Party, Party ideas, Party services, Unicorn

Happy Birthday Ruby

We just want to say a massive Happy Birthday to little Ruby who’s mam (Zoey) bought her one of our “Complete Magical Unicorn” outfits especially for today.

We think you look gorgeous Ruby and you make an excellent unicorn.
We hope you have and fantastic day ♡

– TUSC x

Ruby wearing our “Complete Magical Unicorn” outfit
Thanks for the feedback Zoey, it’s very much appreciated ♡
debate, discussion, Unicorn

Let’s discuss this…

Okay so there is no prize, it’s just for fun, but what would your answer be and why?

This is quite the dilemma!

We think it must be B because A would move when she walked.

Our friend Chris agrees but his logic is based on something a bit different “If she wore it like A then she’d poop on it!”

We think you could be right Chris 😂.

What does everyone else think? Let us know your answer along with your reasons in the comments below.

And if you have enjoyed this discussion, then feel free to share our post on your social media accounts so that your friends can join in the debate too.

Love, sparkles and glitter x

– TUSC ♡

One final thought…. Would unicorn poop really look this pretty?
additional services, Unicorn

Handmade with l♡ve

We like to go over and above for our customers and we’re always looking for ways to stand out from the crowd.

So we had this idea that something handmade by ourselves would be a lovely personal touch to the party services that we offer.

We wanted to do something that showed our time, effort and care had been spent on our customers, rather than just something which would end up bumping up the cost of the parties. Eventually we decided upon creating handmade cards for those who celebrate their birthdays with us.

After all, we feel it is a privellage for us to be chosen out of all of the other companies for such a special event. There are some amazing services on offer and it’s a really competitive market to be in.

So, here we’re going to show you a few that we made earlier this week. Although card making is a hobby for one of our family mambers, Leanne, she hasn’t made any in a very long time up until now. They’re also her very first attempt at making unicorn themed cards so we were quite eager to see how they’d turn out.

She’d bought the stamps for them quite innocently, but being a company mainly focused on children’s events we’re a bit unsure if the second one sounds too much like an innuendo for us to use.
It’s not something she had even realised herself until it was pointed out to by her partner, Gareth. Once it was mentioned though, it has changed the way we view that quote.

On the up side, that is one of the good points to having a family run business, we all have eachother to share ideas, suggestions (and constructive criticism) with. None of us could do this alone but together we seem to just make it work.

These cards pictured were all initially supposed to be going to customers of the Ultimate Sleepover Company, but after careful consideration, well maybe just 3 of them will be now 🙈

Let us know what you think in the comments below. We love to get feedback and hear your thoughts on our products and services x

– TUSC ♡

Be a unicorn in a field of horses
Roll me in fairydust and call me a unicorn
When someone told me I live in a fantasy land, I nearly fell off my unicorn
Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn, then always be a unicorn
additional services, Party ideas, Party services, Unicorn

Never too old

This week we have sold a mountain of unicorn headbands through our Facebook site.

A couple had been for kids, a few for the older teens, and some even for mothers.

So it got us thinking, who even said unicorn headbands are just for a certain age group anyway?

Like, they look absolutely stunning on just about anyone, even on pets and teddy bears!

We all still have that inner child left in us somewhere, right? And okay, admittedly we pinched these pics from Google images, but have a browse through them and let us know your opinion on it all.

Would you wear one? And how old is too old in your opinion? Or, how young is too young even?

We think they all look absolutely fantastic ♡

additional services, New business, Party ideas, Unicorn

The Unicorn Headband Range – Something for all Budgets

We’ve been trialling various headbands lately and have decided to stick with a few of them so that we have something to suit every budget.

All of our headbands can be purchased as optional extras for children attending our Unicorn Dreams parties or as stand alone items if you don’t have a party booked with us.

Named “Instant Unicorn” because it reminds us of the infamous Snapchat pig filter, where everyone felt instantly gorgeous when they applied it, this is one of our smaller headbands with the most value for money.
A perfect addition to any unicorn costume and pairs well with a rainbow pastel tutu. Named “Magical Fantasy” as that’s exactly how we see it, this is our most popular item from the children’s headband range and is mid range on the price scale.
“Sequins and Roses” is another one of the headbands from our unicorn range. Named “Sequins and Roses” to represent the beauty and quality of the product, this is one of our higher end children’s headbands and more popular with customers who aren’t on a budget.

So, What do you think?

We hope you like the selection we have decided to stick with. Why not leave us a comment and let us know your thoughts? Good or bad, we want to hear them. That is mostly how we could improve our services afterall, or keep doing what works well!

We may even add to this range as our business grows.

Little Renea wearing “Sequins and Roses”
Party services, Reaction

A Reaction Video – Zoe

Little Zoe and her friends are obsessed with unicorns.

Zoe knew she had a surprise behind the door but had no idea what to expect.

She’d waited so patiently until things were ready and her reaction says it all really!!,

We are so pleased she had a great time with her friends celebrating her 8th birthday.

Such a lovely bunch of young ladies to meet, it was a real pleasure, and Zoe has already asked if we would come back for her 9th birthday.

We’d love nothing more Zoe ♡

New business, Party services, Sleepover

Sleepover Success!

We love the pics we’ve been sent from little Zoe’s 8th birthday party last night, we are so pleased she had a great time with her friends.

It was a challenge to fit all of the teepee tents in but where there is a will, there is a way and we got there in the end!

💡Remember if there isn’t the room for the tables then we can always fold them flat onto the bottom of the matresses at a push.

Such a lovely bunch of young ladies to meet, it was a real pleasure ♡

New business, Sleepover, Unicorn

Unicorn Dreams Accessory

Did you spot this over in our “Finishing Touches” section? You can also find a video over there of the glitter in action!

As part of our Unicorn Dreams Theme, this stunning little plaque is only for the birthday girl to use. It sits on her breakfast table because she deserves special treatment ♡


Competition, New business, Unicorn


Meet Neville!

We have just added a very easy to enter giveaway competition to our Facebook page. If you want to try and win him then pop over to our page

“Hi, my name is Neville and I need a new home”

Neville was initially bought as a mascot for our Unicorn Dreams themed parties. However, we quickly realised that a white unicorn wouldn’t last too long at all of these parties so we’ve decided he would be happier in a loving home with a great little owner who could take care of him.

additional services, New business, Sleepover

Breakfast Boxes

You can now add a themed breakfast box for each child at the party. This makes the morning after so much easier.

We know how stressful kids parties can be, so we plan to take out as much of the hassle as we possibly can.

The kid’s breakfast boxes are a convenient way to feed all those extra mouths without having to cook or clean a dish. The most you’ll have to do is add milk!!

The contents of boxes may vary but will typically include items such as disposable cups, themed bowls and spoons.

Food items may include a small box of cereal, a carton of fresh fruit juice and a fun snack for afters.

If the children have any particular dietary requirements, then please let us know at the time of booking and we will do our best to accommodate them.

To find out more about this, please visit our “Additional Services” section from the main menu.

New business, Reviews, Sleepover

Our First Facebook Review

Eeek, just how exciting is it when you receive your first ever review?

We’ve put in so much hard work to get everything together and now it all seems worth the time and effort.

We’re so grateful for any customer taking the time to leave us feedback, good or bad we want to hear it x

Our first ever review, makes it all feel so real. Thank you Lisa, we hope to see you again x
New business, Sleepover, Unicorn

Unicorn Dreams

Our first theme is now ready.
We are so happy with this.
The set up is breathtakingly beautiful and even better when you see it for real. We have a couple of extra supprises to go with it, details will be posted very soon.

We’re very excited to share this new business with you. ♡

For more pics and further details on this theme, please visit our “Themes” section of this site.